Make That Call Before It’s Too Late…..

3 min readJul 24, 2023


After holding back several thoughts about calling her, I finally did. There was a time I remember so clearly why I stopped calling, texting, or reaching out. But as time went by, the anger slowly faded away and was replaced with a longing for what we once had, a sadness for the time we wasted staying angry and apart from each other, and clarity about what should have been done or said.

As humans, sometimes we preach what we do not practice. We talk about love, forgiveness, taking bold steps, and being our authentic selves. But sometimes, it's not that we do not want to practice what we preach. It's just that when faced with reality, our courage fails us.

For the purpose of this article, I will refer to her as Anita. Anita and I were inseparable back in school. But after school, we grew apart due to misunderstandings, so many things left unsaid, and pride between us. We let it fester.

I’ve had a strong urge to call her to check up on her for a while. However, I kept ignoring the urge. I felt that I had nothing to say. Besides, there was a reason we stopped talking. Am I supposed to just forget the reason and call her? Why hasn’t she called me instead? All of these thoughts kept going through my mind, and it held me back for a while.

Then her birthday came, and I decided to reach out to her. Even if I have nothing to say to her, at least I could wish her a happy birthday and pray for her. I called her, and I’m glad I did. We spoke like old times, like nothing ever happened. However, deep within us, we knew that there was so much we had to say to each other. There were so many things that needed to be clarified. But at that moment, the most important thing was us. The most important thing was that we let ourselves be human and vulnerable for a moment. And it was beautiful. We were both happy.

Thinking about it now, I'm glad I made that call. I'm glad I listened to my intuition, I'm glad I was courageous and selfless, and I'm glad I let God lead me.

Life is fickle, and I am reminded of that every day. We are not assured of the next minute, in fact, we're not assured of anything. Yet, we live as if time and space are in our hands. I do not want to live my life half-heartedly, and I don't want to live with regrets. So, I will live every day like it's my last.

Hey, you! Yes, you reading! *Laughs* I cannot force you to make any decision, but I can try to encourage and convince you with my words. Make that call today. Although it may not turn out as positively as mine did, don't worry. It's not about the person; it's about you. It's about listening to your heart and letting God guide you.

You may or may not become friends again, but that call you made to ask "How are you?" has the ability to heal and to save.

Let me tell you a secret. Promise not to tell anyone? I still have a list of calls I need to make; it's a scary list! But I plan to exhaust it. I will continue to find my courage; they say "practice what you preach," right? I will make the calls.

Note: If you stayed away from someone to protect your space and mental health, please keep it that way. Not everyone deserves a call from you. I believe your intuition will guide you towards making the right call.

Hey Friend, click here and let’s stay connected;

Peace,love & Light ❤





I'm on a journey of self-discovery, and writing helps me be my most authentic self. It's an expression of my love, light, and motivation to the world.